  • 师资介绍
  • Alex


      My name is Alex. I originally studied Software Engineering, but  I am an English teacher now, as I enjoy teaching. I’ve taught IELTS, TOEFL as well as IT in the past. I love doing sports, biking around China and listening to a lot of music. I love it here at World, and I’m having a great time in China.

  • Gina


      特色课程:《Trip Color》。旅行游记毕业于威尔士大学,多年从教经验,包含许多学科包括旅游英语,英语口语和商务写作。My name is Evgenia Kozulina, but everybody knows me as Gina (I hope you've already heard this name)) I must confess I'm Russian (oops, surprise!). Can't say I'm muchnew in this country, I've been here for a while (unfortunately it didn't really affect the quality of my Chinese). Welcome to World, guys!

  • Ian


      特色课程:《Smart Choice》。牛津原版图书解析来自澳大利亚,在过去的五年中,任教于山东科技大学,青岛大学,目前是合肥沃尔得的优秀外教代表。I’m Ian from Australia. I like music, reading, history, and cuisine. And ofcourse, I enjoy teaching English. It’s a great pleasure to meet and get to know the many students here at World. In a very short time, you will no longer say,“My English is poor.” Instead you will tell people, “I enjoy speaking English and it’s getting better every day!”

  • Ann


      特色课程:《Grammar Ad》高级语法课程。高级英语专业毕业,迪拜工作三年拥有各种交流经验,期待你加入我们,成为我的好学生。Hello, everybody. I’m very glad to see you here in WORLD. My name is Ann. To be an outstanding teacher is one of my career-objectives, and I confirmly believe I can realize it through my hard-working.It’s so nice to joining in “WORLD Family”, and I’m so lucky to get to know all of you here. I hope we can become friends; of course, I will be your good good good tutor here! Let’s do it!

  • Claire


      四川外语大学英语专业,英语专八成绩优秀。在校期间积极活跃于模拟联合国等英语外事活动。曾任美中贸易发展协会高级翻译以及会长古德曼*随行翻译,青岛知 名企业会议翻译。Learning English is the best in the WORLD.l‘m Claire, who, for you, will always be there.

  • Luna


      华东师范大学英语语言文学翻译理论专业,专业八级成绩优秀。多次担任博览会陪同口译和会议口译,曾担任亚羽赛陪同翻译。Hello, my name is Luna and my hometown is Jining. I am from ECNU. Being a tutor here makes me feel fulfilled. I am lucky to be a member of World. I would like to ignite the woods instead of trimming the trees. I really expect the sparks of English-learning with you guys. I look forward to making progresses with you.

  • Elizabeth


      特色课程:《IELTS Speaking》雅思口语.毕业于澳洲国立大学,澳大利亚国立大学商业管理硕士。多年从事雅思教学有着丰富的雅思教学经验在岛城雅思*中首屈一指,擅 长雅思口语和听力。:Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.

  • cherry


      毕业于大连外国语大学英语语言文学专业,英语专业八级,具有扎实的英语功底。有较多的英语教学经验,教授过大学英语、*英语等不同年龄的学生,曾担任大连 国际会展中心的口译工作。Hey,guys! I'm Cherry, so glad to meet you in this wonderful place---World! I wanna you join us and get together to discover the fantastic world of English.I always believ